Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Dr. Ahmadinejad, Honourable President of Islamic Republic of Iran

"Barat sejak awal hanya berniat menjarah minyak Libya dan hanya mendukung Moammar Khadafi jika menguntungkan mereka. Bahkan, Barat tak akan segan menyingkirkan Khadafi bila dinilai tak bisa menyokong keinginan mereka. Tunjukkan pada saya satu saja pemimpin Eropa atau Amerika yang belum pernah berkunjung ke Libya atau memiliki persetujuan dengan Khadafi" 

(Dr. Ahmadinejad, Honourable President of Islamic Republic of Iran : Reuters

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born in 1956 in the village of Aradan in the city of Garmsar. He moved and stayed in Tehran together with his family while he was still one-year old and completed his primary as well as his low and high secondary education there. In 1975, he successfully passed the university entrance exam with high marks and started his academic studies on the subject of civil engineering in the Science and Technology University in Tehran. In 1986, he continued his studies at MS level in the same university. In 1989, he became a member of the Board of Civil Engineering Faculty of the Science and Technology University. In 1997, he managed to obtain his Ph.D. on transportation engineering and planning from the Science and Technology University. 

Dr. Ahmadinejad is familiar with English language. During the years when he was teaching in the university, he wrote many scientific papers and engaged in scientific research in various fields. During the same period, he also supervised the theses of tens of students at MS and Ph.D. levels on different subjects of civil engineering, road and transportation as well as construction management. While still a student, Dr. Ahmadinejad engaged in political activities by attending religious and political meetings before the Islamic Revolution. With the victory of the Islamic Revolution, he became a founder and also a member of the Islamic Association of Students in the Science and Technology University. During the war imposed on Iran, Dr. Ahmadinejad was actively present as a member of the volunteer forces (Basij) in different parts and divisions of the battlefronts particularly in the war engineering division until the end of the war. Dr. Ahmadinejad is married and has three children- two sons and one daughter.

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